HIV Clinic and Hospital – Care Centre

Dealing with HIV is a medical and mental battle for those affected by it and those fighting against it. The Care Centre provides comprehensive care, early detection, orientation, treatment and rehabilitation of people living with HIV/ AIDS (PLHA). The Centre offers counselling for behavioural change, family and psychosocial support, nutritional, educational and vocational services as an integrated “one-stop” so PLHA can build trust with Lotus who is equipped to deal with most of their needs.

Facilities Available

  • OPD consulting services – Daily 11 am to 3pm ( except Sundays)
  • Indoor facility
  • 24 hours emergency admission
  • Specialist consultation for OPD and indoor patients
  • Counselling – HIV and drug adherence
  • Nutritional and psychological counselling
  • Family counselling
  • Subsidized in-house medicines


Counselling plays major role in HIV management. New drugs (ART) can control HIV and give patients a chance for normal, productive life. The Lotus comprehensive care and support centre is a short stay home for people living with HIV (PLHIV) who are initiated on ART, trained to adhere to drug schedules and advised on adverse drug reactions.

Patients come for regular health check up as well as treatment for minor and major opportunistic infections and drug side effects. Psychosocial, nutritional and educational support is provided along with information about orphanages, destitute homes, palliative care, vocational trainings, rehabilitation and legal support.

Such 360°support is the only way to give PLHIV a chance to live normal and productive lives for as long as possible, under the circumstances.


  • Pre Test Counselling
  • Post Test Counselling
  • Individual Counselling
  • Spouse and Family Counselling
  • Drug Adherence Counselling
  • Support Group Meetings
  • Couple Counselling
  • Nutritional Counselling
  • Counselling for HIV Positive Pregnant Women

Voluntary HIV Testing

Many people are yet not aware of the routes of spread HIV. Many people are afraid of the diseases. They are not aware whether they have came across HIV positive person or not aware of the HIV status of the partner.

We provide free HIV testing with counselling to all those who wish to undergo HIV test.

  • Free testing
  • Total confidentiality
  • Positive prevention
  • If positive proper guidance

Awareness And Prevention Programs

“AIDS affects many parts of society, and so everyone needs to be aware of HIV and AIDS.”

Why is HIV and AIDS education important?

  • The expansion and improvement of HIV/ AIDS education around the world is critical to preventing the spread of HIV.
  • HIV and AIDS education also plays a vital role in reducing stigma and discrimination.

Providing the general population with basic AIDS education contributes to the spread of accurate information; promoting awareness and tackling stigma and discrimination.

It is also important that people who are already infected with HIV receive HIV and AIDS education. This can help people to live positively without passing on the virus to anyone else; to prevent themselves from becoming infected with a different strain of the virus; and to ensure a good quality of life by informing them about medication and the support that is available to them.

HIV and AIDS education can take place in many different environments, from classes at school to families and friends sharing knowledge at home. It is important that this education is provided in a variety of settings to ensure that the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in society are reached, and that accurate information about HIV and AIDS is reinforced from different sources.

  1.  Awareness in pregnant women –
  2. Awareness in villages-
  3. Awareness in industries
  4. Awareness in school and colleges

Lotus Medical Foundation is equipped with different teams for awareness activities.

And we are ready to do after your request.