ART Centre under Public Private Partnership with Government

Lotus Medical Foundation started the ART centre under Public Private Partnership with NACO (National AIDS Control Organisation), Government of India from January 2017. LMF is the only NGO in Maharashtra that has an ART center.

By the end of March 2018, 592 patients were registered in the ART Centre including 65 children. By March 2019 this number rose to 687 and 81 children. Medical checkup of these patients is done every month. All registered patients attended the ART centre for regular visits. They are given a monthly supply of medicines provided free of cost by the Government. Other necessary investigations are done every six months. All the treatment is done as per the protocol of NACO. Patients are screened and treated for opportunistic infections, drug side effects, drug failure and other related medical issues by LMF.

The ART centre has a dedicated team like Medical officer, Counselor, Nurse, peer counselor and Pharmacist. ART Centre has an in-house pharmacy where patients can buy medicine at subsidized rates.